Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Time of My Life

The flight on Monday was a little painful. I take that back, it was very painful. I’ve only flown once in my lifetime. Twice if you count the time I flew when I was 2 yrs. old. I don’t remember that so it doesn’t count. We ended up making a quick stop, drop and pickup in Tennessee before heading to Phoenix. So…. We arrived at the JAX airport at 9am and didn’t reach San Diego until 3:30 (California time that is). So if you add in the 3 hour time change, well you do the math, my brain is tired. Let’s just say it was a VERY long flight. Not to mention I was a complete nervous wreck. 3 tranquilizers later, I didn’t mind flying so much after all.

We arrived in SD and grabbed a bite to eat, checked into the hotels and that was the end of a very long day.

Now, here comes the exciting part. Tuesday rolled around (Happy 4th of July to ALL). That’s when the adventures began. We began with a little sight seeing. We strolled passed Mission Bay and man oh man at the people. Unbelievable for a small town Georgia girl. We toured up the pacific coast. Stopping at the beach and putting our feet in the Pacific Ocean. (Don’t be jealous, you may one day get the opportunity too.)

Then we proceeded north. We came across this place called Torrey Pines Glideport. And you will never believe what happened next. Once again the man of my dreams made another dream come true for me. I went parasailing. Can you actually believe it? I was strapped in a tandem with an instructor that has been doing this since 1972, which made me feel really safe and we ran down the hill and off the cliff. Some 400 feet from the beach below. It was absolutely amazing. Words cannot describe the beauty of seeing the California coast from that prospective. I had the time of my life.

And of course we are having difficulties downloading the pics from the camera to the laptop so I soon as we fix that problem, lots and lots and lots of pics will be on the way.

Well, I’ve been put on a mission to locate some “fun” things to do while the guys are at the conference, so I better get on it. It’s already after 9 so that leaves me 6hrs. to get the job done. I will some free time each day and will do my best to keep everyone updated.

Take care and God Bless!


California Dreams

Here I am on a plane to San Diego, California. It was one of those spur of the moment decisions. Of course I’ve given you tid-bits on the new man in my life, but I don’t want to give too much away. Don’t want anyone liking what they hear. Since he’s Not Available!!!! :0)
So here’s how the plans worked. I have a “friend”…OKAY ALREADY, let’s just cut to the crap. I have the most wonderful and beautiful man in my life. He is going through the same situation as me. Although sometimes I really feel his is more difficult than mine. He only gets his little one every other weekend. But he definitely makes up for every minute he’s not there. On the other hand, I’m constantly fighting for mine to have time with his father. And now this trip to CALIFORNIA has really thrown a monkey wrench in our situation. We shall see.

ENOUGH already of that depressing shit…… I am totally siked about arriving in San Diego. We have a layover in Phoenix for about an hour and then on to San Diego California. “Pacific Ocean or Bust”.

I really don’t know what else to say other than to keep me in your prayers for my safe adventurers here and returning home. And never fear. I have a bunch of techies bringing me with them…. So while they are enjoying a lovely conference everyday, I will take in all the sites and bring back pictures and info to share with all. I’ll have my best blogger bud re-teach me the art of applying pics to blogs.
Hope all is going well with everyone.

Much to post later…. Stay patient and hang in there with me :0)

Later to everyone.
And AML to you baby cakes!


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

So It's Been A VERY Long Time.....

My apologies for taking so long to get back to this blog. It's just so time life that is. Finishing up a divorce, raising a 3 year old, beginning a new relationship. It's hard to find time to sleep and shower much less sit down a write a post for my blog. So I will do my best to update on the most recent events in my life.
Although..... It seems as if someone sent a comment for my last post that was a little too personal. Since "he's all mine", I may not elaborate too much on the details. But I hope you enjoy reading this. Maybe you'll learn something:)

A lot has happened since March. Let's see where I should begin.
I went though my surgery well. My foot still bothers me and I can't wear tennis shoes yet, but my doctor says it will get better soon. Apparently, my nerves have reacted strangely to the trauma they have endured, so it is very, very sensitive right now. So I have to begin sonogram treatments 3 times a weak to decrease the sensitivity. FUN!!! It's always something.

My divorce is still NOT final. It takes a freakin' act of congress to get one finalized. And we've even agreed on everything. There's just so much red tape to get past. But it's still in the works and will happen sooner or later.

I'm out of Mama's house! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!
I moved into a new apartment/duplex...whatever you want to call it. It's not much, but it's mine. My little one and I are doing our best to turn it into a home. The only thing we are lacking is a dining room table. Which in my opinion is not a necessary piece of furniture. It's nice to have but not necessary.

Things have been difficult concerning my family life. It's hard to explain to a small child why his Mommy and Daddy don't live in the same house anymore. And why he now has 2 homes and 2 bedrooms. But my ex and I have tryed our best to remain civil. We are actually maintaining somewhat of a friendship. It's hard but we're making it work. It's the best thing we can do for our little one. But it still hurts when he asks "When are we going home to live with Daddy again". My heart just breaks when I hear those words come from my baby boy.
And those aren't the only trying moments. The really difficult times come when he knows I'm with the "new" man in my life. There's a huge streak of jealously that completely consumes him when he sees us together or knows we are together. I just hope that he can learn to deal with it and move on with his life.

This guy is so good to me. He loves me like no one has ever loved me. He puts me on a pedastal and makes me feel like the most beautiful person in the world. Until of course he starts to pick at me (just to get a rise out of me). But I know he means no harm... that's just his way of getting under my skin. He knows how to push my buttons and enjoys doing it often:)

OH YEAH!!!!! I'm thinking about quitting my job and going back to school. I figure "why work for such little pay when I can go to school and enable myself to make real money". So if I can just decide what I want to do with the rest of my life, I may begin that journey. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to enlighten me. And if you want to know the honest truth.... if I could do whatever I wanted with my life, it would be to stay home, clean, cook and raise my little ones. There's nothing like being "barefoot and pregnant":)

Well, I've run out of info and I have several things to get done before the day is over. I'm not making any promises, but I will honestly try to keep this damn blog updated. Bare with me and be patient.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Keep me in your Thoughts

Well life has pretty much been the same. Still dealing with my soon-to-be ex-husband. We are trying to come to agreements on the small things. I've given in all I can. I'm walking away with basically nothing. I just want it over and done with. And hopefully if all goes as planned it will be final the first of April.

And next week is Spring Break. I work for an educational agency, so I get off with my little one during the holidays.....Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break....but NOT summer:( Usually I siked about it. I have all kinds of plans and try to get in my "spring cleaning", which usually doesn't happen.

But this year is different. I will be having a cyst removed from my heel. So I will out of commission for the entire holiday. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!
I'm sure during that time I will be able to better keep up with this blog.

Just wanted to update those of you who care.
And thanks notasoccermom for your concern and your thoughts.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's Me Again.....Alive and Kicking

So, it's been a month since my last post. But I've been busy. Still no excuse for being a slackass. I'm still in the middle of my divorce. We have to make revisions on the petition before we can go to court. Hopefully it will be done and over with the first week of April. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.
I'm not a teacher but I work with a school affiliated agency. So, spring break is the last week in March for us and I get it off to spend with my little one. And as if I don't have enough going on right now..... I will be having surgery on March 27th to have a cyst removed from my foot. Don't that sound like fun. Therefore I will spend my entire spring break off my feet recovering and trying to take time with my 3 year old. There will be lots of indoor activities. Mommy will have to become creative. I'm up for any suggestions.

Well, I guess that's enough for now. I've been typing emails for the last hour and my fingers are tired. (Another characteristic of my slackass:))

Ya'll take care. I'll try not to be gone so long.
Same bat time, same bat channel.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Someone take me out back and shoot me.....PLEASE!!!!

We have a house full of sick people and it sucks!!!!
I've had a sinus infection, acute bronchitus, and now pneumonia. My little one also has pneumonia. And since I'm now living with my parents, my mother and father have both been gracious enough to share the sick bug with us. I'm now working on day13 of this crap and it's just about to drive me crazy. I've also missed 8 of the last 9 nine days of work. I had to go in Thursday just to make sure I still had a job. So as if things weren't bad enough, life is really sucking a big one right now. I'm looking for a pity party, anyone care to join me???

No further news with the currently running BIG D..... My soon to be ex-husband is not agreeing with the simple things, therefore complicating the situation beyond belief. He's demanding completely unreasonable things that I refuse to grant. So it seems as though we may be dragging everyone through the mud before it's over with. UGH!!!!
Well, I'm completely exhausted and ready for my afternoon nap (which I've become accustomed to since becoming ill). So, I will try to continue posting to keep those of you who are interested abreast of the ongoing saga in my life.


Monday, January 30, 2006

The Big D

So my last post was 4 months ago. Big deal, get over it. A lot has happened since then. And that's putting it mildly. It's more like my life has done a complete 360 and hasn't stopped spinning yet.

I am currently in the middle of a DIVORCE. I thought I would never experience the hardships, difficulties and heartache of a divorce. I thought when I got married it was for a lifetime. Hind sight is 20-20. If only........ Yeah, if only. But that's neither here nor there. The end is drawing near and I'm ready for it to be over.
So, coming from a 26 year old mother and soon to be ex-wife here's a tid-bit of advice when it comes to marriage.

DON'T DO IT, for God's sake, wait, there's no rush. Just kidding.... but seriously. If you love a person and you plan on spending the rest of your life with them, then why jump into a marriage. Take your time, live together, really get to know that person inside and out before you make a commitment you might one day realize you can't uphold. But for those who can't help it. Go ahead, dive in, what's the worst that could happen. You end up divorced 3 years later. That's not a big deal, right?!?

I am now living back home. And it SUCKS!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my parents. In fact, I consider my mother my best friend. But if things don't change fast, we will hate each other again, just like we did when I was a smartass 16 year old. And I don't want that to happen. My son has also had to make some major adjustments. Of course he has that "only child syndrome". He's not exactly used to having to deal with other people in the house besides me. He's beginning to act out. So if anyone has some advice on how to handle this, my comments section has an open-door policy. Whether is helpful or hateful...give it to me.

I guess that's enough for now. There is much more to tell, but I must save something for later.
Same bat time, same bat channel.


Saturday, September 24, 2005

Such a Slacker

Okay…Okay… I know! I am such a slacker. It’s been forever since I have posted anything. If you only knew what’s been going on, you would understand. But with the slightest chance that someone who really knows me may read this, you don’t get any details about the mess I call “My Life”. So, here is what I can tell you….

Over the past 2 weeks, nothing (that I can talk about) has really happened. So, here’s the latest. My little brother turned 13 today. Happy Birthday Ashley!!! WOW! I can’t believe he is a teenager. It seems like only yesterday, I wanted a baby brother and got one. It certainly wasn’t that easy to get the pony I asked for and never received. Oh well. He was so adorable. I bundle of joy. Then he began to grow up. It has been kind of difficult, since there is 13 years between us. We should be on the same level….but it’s hard to take shit from a bratty “pre-tenn” when I’m an adult who demands some respect. So, I have found the best solution, is for me to get down on his level, so we can be equals. Brother and sister. And sometimes it’s fun to act like a kid again.

Anyway, we had his birthday party tonight. And since my dad’s birthday is Oct. 7 we combined the two. Hamburgers for Ashley and low country boil for my daddy. Followed by several helpings of ice cream cake. YUMMY. And by the way, Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

The gathering went well. We usually can’t swim because it is already beginning to cool this time of year. However it was different today. It was a whopping 92 degrees this afternoon. And the pool felt fabulous.
I spent some time with my new baby cousin. Raeghan….5 months old and absolutely adorable. Makes me want another little one….NOT! I have pics, but I’m too tired to get them on tonight. (SLACKER!!) So, I’ll add them later.

And now I’m at home watching the UGA vs. Mississippi State game. Looks like the dawgs will whoop some ass again tonight.

I promise to try and make time for my blog more often. But lately “trying” has not worked for me….so we’ll see. Take care….until next time.


ps. AML...this one's for you.