The Big D
So my last post was 4 months ago. Big deal, get over it. A lot has happened since then. And that's putting it mildly. It's more like my life has done a complete 360 and hasn't stopped spinning yet.
I am currently in the middle of a DIVORCE. I thought I would never experience the hardships, difficulties and heartache of a divorce. I thought when I got married it was for a lifetime. Hind sight is 20-20. If only........ Yeah, if only. But that's neither here nor there. The end is drawing near and I'm ready for it to be over.
So, coming from a 26 year old mother and soon to be ex-wife here's a tid-bit of advice when it comes to marriage.
DON'T DO IT, for God's sake, wait, there's no rush. Just kidding.... but seriously. If you love a person and you plan on spending the rest of your life with them, then why jump into a marriage. Take your time, live together, really get to know that person inside and out before you make a commitment you might one day realize you can't uphold. But for those who can't help it. Go ahead, dive in, what's the worst that could happen. You end up divorced 3 years later. That's not a big deal, right?!?
I am now living back home. And it SUCKS!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my parents. In fact, I consider my mother my best friend. But if things don't change fast, we will hate each other again, just like we did when I was a smartass 16 year old. And I don't want that to happen. My son has also had to make some major adjustments. Of course he has that "only child syndrome". He's not exactly used to having to deal with other people in the house besides me. He's beginning to act out. So if anyone has some advice on how to handle this, my comments section has an open-door policy. Whether is helpful or hateful...give it to me.
I guess that's enough for now. There is much more to tell, but I must save something for later.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
Wow, that sucks. I'm so sorry, sweetie.
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