Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Time of My Life

The flight on Monday was a little painful. I take that back, it was very painful. I’ve only flown once in my lifetime. Twice if you count the time I flew when I was 2 yrs. old. I don’t remember that so it doesn’t count. We ended up making a quick stop, drop and pickup in Tennessee before heading to Phoenix. So…. We arrived at the JAX airport at 9am and didn’t reach San Diego until 3:30 (California time that is). So if you add in the 3 hour time change, well you do the math, my brain is tired. Let’s just say it was a VERY long flight. Not to mention I was a complete nervous wreck. 3 tranquilizers later, I didn’t mind flying so much after all.

We arrived in SD and grabbed a bite to eat, checked into the hotels and that was the end of a very long day.

Now, here comes the exciting part. Tuesday rolled around (Happy 4th of July to ALL). That’s when the adventures began. We began with a little sight seeing. We strolled passed Mission Bay and man oh man at the people. Unbelievable for a small town Georgia girl. We toured up the pacific coast. Stopping at the beach and putting our feet in the Pacific Ocean. (Don’t be jealous, you may one day get the opportunity too.)

Then we proceeded north. We came across this place called Torrey Pines Glideport. And you will never believe what happened next. Once again the man of my dreams made another dream come true for me. I went parasailing. Can you actually believe it? I was strapped in a tandem with an instructor that has been doing this since 1972, which made me feel really safe and we ran down the hill and off the cliff. Some 400 feet from the beach below. It was absolutely amazing. Words cannot describe the beauty of seeing the California coast from that prospective. I had the time of my life.

And of course we are having difficulties downloading the pics from the camera to the laptop so I soon as we fix that problem, lots and lots and lots of pics will be on the way.

Well, I’ve been put on a mission to locate some “fun” things to do while the guys are at the conference, so I better get on it. It’s already after 9 so that leaves me 6hrs. to get the job done. I will some free time each day and will do my best to keep everyone updated.

Take care and God Bless!



At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish this would go away....


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