So It's Been A VERY Long Time.....
My apologies for taking so long to get back to this blog. It's just so time life that is. Finishing up a divorce, raising a 3 year old, beginning a new relationship. It's hard to find time to sleep and shower much less sit down a write a post for my blog. So I will do my best to update on the most recent events in my life.
Although..... It seems as if someone sent a comment for my last post that was a little too personal. Since "he's all mine", I may not elaborate too much on the details. But I hope you enjoy reading this. Maybe you'll learn something:)
A lot has happened since March. Let's see where I should begin.
I went though my surgery well. My foot still bothers me and I can't wear tennis shoes yet, but my doctor says it will get better soon. Apparently, my nerves have reacted strangely to the trauma they have endured, so it is very, very sensitive right now. So I have to begin sonogram treatments 3 times a weak to decrease the sensitivity. FUN!!! It's always something.
My divorce is still NOT final. It takes a freakin' act of congress to get one finalized. And we've even agreed on everything. There's just so much red tape to get past. But it's still in the works and will happen sooner or later.
I'm out of Mama's house! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!
I moved into a new apartment/duplex...whatever you want to call it. It's not much, but it's mine. My little one and I are doing our best to turn it into a home. The only thing we are lacking is a dining room table. Which in my opinion is not a necessary piece of furniture. It's nice to have but not necessary.
Things have been difficult concerning my family life. It's hard to explain to a small child why his Mommy and Daddy don't live in the same house anymore. And why he now has 2 homes and 2 bedrooms. But my ex and I have tryed our best to remain civil. We are actually maintaining somewhat of a friendship. It's hard but we're making it work. It's the best thing we can do for our little one. But it still hurts when he asks "When are we going home to live with Daddy again". My heart just breaks when I hear those words come from my baby boy.
And those aren't the only trying moments. The really difficult times come when he knows I'm with the "new" man in my life. There's a huge streak of jealously that completely consumes him when he sees us together or knows we are together. I just hope that he can learn to deal with it and move on with his life.
This guy is so good to me. He loves me like no one has ever loved me. He puts me on a pedastal and makes me feel like the most beautiful person in the world. Until of course he starts to pick at me (just to get a rise out of me). But I know he means no harm... that's just his way of getting under my skin. He knows how to push my buttons and enjoys doing it often:)
OH YEAH!!!!! I'm thinking about quitting my job and going back to school. I figure "why work for such little pay when I can go to school and enable myself to make real money". So if I can just decide what I want to do with the rest of my life, I may begin that journey. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to enlighten me. And if you want to know the honest truth.... if I could do whatever I wanted with my life, it would be to stay home, clean, cook and raise my little ones. There's nothing like being "barefoot and pregnant":)
Well, I've run out of info and I have several things to get done before the day is over. I'm not making any promises, but I will honestly try to keep this damn blog updated. Bare with me and be patient.